
First we had to draw six designs on a piece of paper.Then choose a design.After that we draw in pencil on a brown piece of paper.Next we go over it with vivid. Finally we scratch the paper up.Do yo have a Siapo

Waitangi day.

For  Waitangi day, I went camping with my mum , Jesse, Bodie and Debbie,Nat and Debbie Band it was really hot.

I went for a walk in the rain and it was really fun.

I went to the lake,

I was on the stand up paddle I jumped off the paddle board and it was really deep and cold.

TWM week

This week in Tāwhirimātea, we have been getting to know each other by a Spiderweb Aa bowls of roll. We had to say our name and what you liked. You had to give it to the person far away from you. 

Someone new I have met is Jasmine andChicago.

The RISE value I have shown this week is Success because I finished the student Council application.

Three of the rules in Tāwhirimātea are:

  1. No running 

2.No Chewing gum

3.No Yelling

I am looking forward to  Camp and art.


For CRT doing a  colour

block landscape you make mountains on a Google drawing then you add your background and then you add some food you need three sets we had to have three sets of mountains trees and a moon sign And. I added A river with a cloud.


Goldilocks and the three bears

For Monday-mashup i chose drama because I think it would be fun. I enjoyed doing my act but it was really hard  to get all the people in my group position and my act The act was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It was very hard to make everybody happy but we did it at the very end and the act was funny and okay but we had to improve on speaking louder and not facing our backs to the

keep the ocean blue for

For at we were doing about saving the planet saving the ocean saving the animals practicing lettering sit on then we wrote letters on code paper and then we started to paint the letters then we did the background then we outlined the letters a first then we head to take a photo  and here is my photo.