For CRT doing a  colour

block landscape you make mountains on a Google drawing then you add your background and then you add some food you need three sets we had to have three sets of mountains trees and a moon sign And. I added A river with a cloud.


Goldilocks and the three bears

For Monday-mashup i chose drama because I think it would be fun. I enjoyed doing my act but it was really hard  to get all the people in my group position and my act The act was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It was very hard to make everybody happy but we did it at the very end and the act was funny and okay but we had to improve on speaking louder and not facing our backs to the

keep the ocean blue for

For at we were doing about saving the planet saving the ocean saving the animals practicing lettering sit on then we wrote letters on code paper and then we started to paint the letters then we did the background then we outlined the letters a first then we head to take a photo  and here is my photo.


For art  we made bubble art, I started by picking a  balloon and for the balloon we head to make all the balloons with papper . I had to color it but I also had to leave a little space we’re just going to be like a little sparkly thing then on black card paper. I did it with pairstyles like branches. And then I glued my balloons on and then I left the hireds  making the balloon shape Funnel That making the trees it’s really fun.It doesn’t have to be perfect it can be for my  Family.

Theatre sport

On Monday Mashup.

We are doing Theater sport.We  Started with a warm up we had to go around in the circle and add on for a story we ate to say one word. We also did another warm-up and we all head to say action. we  Acted it out.

It is important we be silent,sensible, understandable and cheerful.

Neuro graphic Art

I did Neurographic Art it was really fun my favourite part was properly making the whole water colour colouring. Blending the colours was really hard but I made it work at the end it just took a little bit of work . The theme is sunset and the ocean.  It’s easier  working when you are relaxed and I like it.



What is Media?

For digital citizenship we have been learning what media is and I did a canva presentation. It was really fun and this is what I did.

My presentation explains print media, online media and broadcasting media. Newspapers can be read online and in print.

Add a heading by Emilie-Vida Paiano-Hill

What is your favourite type of media?